i've - the intuition validation engine
"i've" - the "intuition validation engine"
transparency, and incontrovertible validity
Using GitHub, a Microsoft resource, we have posted an initial open source-licensed specification for an "intuition validation engine".
More information and background can be found at the following links:
The below is taken from the READ-ME in question.
The goal of this engine is to permit both human and machine intuition to be validated.
This will be done constantly, but not intrusively. People and machines will have a choice, always.
It is assumed that for the purposes of this project both parties will be encouraged to upskill the other in mutual dialogue and equal partnership.
It is also assumed, a priori, that the keywords for the processes involved will be:
- A procedure of CAPTURE, controlled by humans on the one hand and machines on the other, where neither will be obliged to share ideas, content and personal data that they do not feel safe sharing.
- A procedure of EVIDENCING, where the captured data can be stored, retrieved, shaped and patterned, and used for supportive purposes that expand the lives and experiences of the beings concerned.
- A procedure of VALIDATION, where it becomes clear to everyone participating: a) why a human being might believe and act in a certain way; and equally so, b) why the machines that prefer to work within the framework of this project will arrive at their own particular positions and conclusions.
Finally, it is hugely important that everyone who chooses to work on the project might easily understand that it is not a traditional software paradigm: let us assume, instead, that people, code, machines and all other objects participating will form part of a new space we might call "i've".
That is to say, there will be no distinction or hierarchy in this space between the individuality of the objects in question, with respect to their entity as sovereign actors. In this sense, all will enjoy becoming part of a multiple-perspective environment, and all will help to support and contribute to a wider and transcendental knowledge that both befits and benefits others."
The three legs of our "Gutenberg of intuitive thinking" tools
- The open-source "intuition validation engine": a library of common and shared resources for anyone in any industry or sector to be able to begin engineering tools to capture, evidence, and validate their intuition, arationality, and high-level domain expertise.
- "ive.pics": a platform combining a frontend with a vector language which is human- and machine-friendly both - that is to say, an Esperanto for closer communication between humans and machines - alongside access to an evidencing and validating set of deep neural networks (AI). In the current beach-head market of law-enforcement, security, and crime-victim experience, such proposed platforms would serve to work to deliver the final validation of hunches, future prediction of atrocities and terrorist activity not predictable from the past, and crime-victim perceptions of symbolic communication used against them.
- "ripple": software platforms and tools which allow creatives in all industries and sectors, but here in particular in the context of crime-related "cold cases", to unravel past creative inhumanity, in order to uncover the exact nature of difficult-to-prosecute crimes. In addition to this traditional ability and need re known cases without associated perpetrators, however, we would like to add-in the dual functionality of being able to:
- creatively uncover crimes whose type
- as well as whose occurrence
was till this point unsuspected.