crime, security, and zemiology
crime, security, and zemiology
"" - the "prove everything you know" platform, with visualisation tools such as AR, alongside embedded deep neural networks (AI)
"" - the "prove everything you know" platform, with visualisation tools such as AR, alongside embedded deep neural networks (AI)
The objective of this platform is to make it possible for those working in, with, for and under:
- criminal justice systems,
- our state security agencies and those of our allies, and
- in contexts where harm is taking place which is currently not strictly illegal but is nevertheless damaging to Western liberal-style democracies,
to “prove everything you know”, particularly in an intuitive sense.
In our judgement, criminology and sociology's "dark figure" exists precisely because of:
- the symbolic language which organised criminal gangs, and both illegal and legal mafias, have used,
- throughout criminology and zemiology's history,
- to coerce their victims and collaborators into activities
- whose coercion leaves little or no audit trail for traditional criminal justice to successfully prosecute.
The experience of crime victims may both be that:
- they become frustrated at the criminal justice system's inability to validate their experiences of crime in a timely fashion;
- they become personally frustrated when "having a hunch" about something, and being unable to constructively capture, evidence, and validate it.
In the latter case, if validation were possible, it might of course demonstrate not that the hunch is accurate but, instead, incorrect; either outcome, however, would be better than never knowing for sure who was in the right.
It is therefore:
- the intuitive perceptions of, and
- the specific content delivered by
such symbolic communication that we aim to capture using our proposed software platforms and tools, in order to eliminate much if not all of current "dark figure".
The three legs of our "Gutenberg of intuitive thinking" tools
The three legs of our "Gutenberg of intuitive thinking" tools
- The open-source "intuition validation engine": a library of common and shared resources for anyone in any industry or sector to be able to begin engineering tools to capture, evidence, and validate their intuition, arationality, and high-level domain expertise.
- "": a platform combining a frontend with a vector language which is human- and machine-friendly both - that is to say, an Esperanto for closer communication between humans and machines - alongside access to an evidencing and validating set of deep neural networks (AI). In the current beach-head market of law-enforcement, security, and crime-victim experience, such proposed platforms would serve to work to deliver the final validation of hunches, future prediction of atrocities and terrorist activity not predictable from the past, and crime-victim perceptions of symbolic communication used against them.
- "ripple": software platforms and tools which allow creatives in all industries and sectors, but here in particular in the context of crime-related "cold cases", to unravel past creative inhumanity, in order to uncover the exact nature of difficult-to-prosecute crimes. In addition to this traditional ability and need re known cases without associated perpetrators, however, we would like to add-in the dual functionality of being able to:
- creatively uncover crimes whose type
- as well as whose occurrence
was till this point unsuspected.